Every Day Counts: Chronic Absenteeism in Missouri Schools
In this report, we define the problem of chronic absenteeism in Missouri and present data on school attendance in the state over the last five years.
Depressed: The Impact of the Great Recession on Teacher Salaries
In this report, we show how Missouri teacher salaries were reduced following the Great Recession.
Public School Enrollment and Closures in Saint Louis City
In this report, we analyze changes in school-age population, public school enrollment, and school closures in Saint Louis City over the last three decades.
Aligning Navigate STL Schools Data Priorities: Learning from Parent Focus Groups
The PRiME Center partnered with Navigate STL Schools to determine data priorities that align with parent needs. To meet this objective, we sat down with 28 parents in a series of focus groups to learn more about how parents make informed school decisions.
Missouri Parent Survey
The PRiME Center worked with YouGov to distribute a survey about various education topics to a sample of 600 Missouri parents of school-aged children. We summarize their perspectives in this report.
2022 Missouri Student Growth Report by Modality of Instruction
The 2022 Missouri Student Growth Report by Modality of Instruction highlights the top-growth schools according to mode of instruction on the first day of school in fall 2020. We highlight the schools achieving top student growth within the three most common modes of instruction during the 2020-21 school year—in-person, hybrid, and distanced instruction and rank the top schools in student growth in three categories—elementary schools, eleMiddle schools and middle schools—for both English Language Arts (ELA) and math. This report is the third in the 2022 series of Growth Reports that examine growth scores on the MAP within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
2022 Beating the Odds Report: Student Growth in Missouri’s Highest Poverty Schools
The 2022 Beating the Odds Report: Student Growth in Missouri’s Highest Poverty Schools highlights the top schools that are “beating the odds” across the state by moving the needle on student learning while serving high concentrations of low-income students. We rank the top schools “beating the odds” in student growth in three categories—elementary schools, eleMiddle schools and middle schools—for both English Language Arts (ELA) and math. This report is the second in the 2022 series of Growth Reports that examine growth scores on the MAP within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
2022 Missouri Statewide Student Growth Report
The 2022 Missouri Statewide Student Growth Report highlights the top 20 schools for statewide student growth in three categories—elementary schools, eleMiddle schools and middle schools—for both English Language Arts (ELA) and math, schoolwide and for the Subgroup, based on PRiME Growth Scores. The 2022 PRiME Growth Score is a translation of DESE’s 2020–21 Missouri Growth Model score, which reflects average annual student growth for three school years. This report is the first in the 2022 series of Growth Reports that examine growth scores on the MAP within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Missouri Students' Postsecondary Success Report
In this report, we use publicly available data to describe trends in postsecondary success for those students who graduate from a Missouri public high school and subsequently enroll as a first-time, full-time student at one of Missouri’s public postsecondary institutions of higher education. To measure success, we examine college enrollment trends, early college academic performance (remediation rates and college GPA), early college persistence, and eventual college completion for the Missouri high school graduation classes of 2010 through 2019. When possible, we compare trends in Missouri to national patterns and trends. We also examine trends over time within the state of Missouri, providing an in-depth examination of how these results vary by geographic region and high school characteristics, including school locale, racial composition, and income levels by highlighting outcomes for the class of 2015—the most recent cohort of postsecondary enrollees to exhibit 6-year completion rates.
Missouri Students' Postsecondary Access Report
In this report, we use publicly available data to describe patterns in college-intending behaviors and postsecondary access for Missouri high school students compared to national trends. We also examine trends within Missouri by looking at high schools serving unique student bodies, by locality, and by region. Finally, we examine results for the class of 2019, the most recent class to have successfully completed high school prior to COVID-19-induced disruptions.
Exiting Gracefully? Lessons on De-Implementing State-Appointed Governance from Literature and Stakeholder Perspectives in Missouri
The state of Missouri will soon consider transitioning back from state-appointed governance to locally elected boards in two districts in the St. Louis metropolitan area, having already done so in another. The PRiME Center reviewed the literature to find evidence-based strategies for successful transitions to local governance, as well as conducted an empirical study investigating stakeholders’ perspectives on appropriate strategies to exit state-appointed governance in Missouri school districts. The data were collected via interviews and focus groups from diverse stakeholder groups, including appointed and elected board members, administrators, educators, and parents (n=33). Thematic, emergent analysis revealed several main takeaways.
Beating the Odds: Student Growth in Missouri's High Poverty Schools
In this report, we use the PRiME Growth Score, a translation of state-calculated growth scores from the Missouri Growth Model, to highlight the schools achieving the top student growth while serving high concentrations of low-income students. This report focuses on the highest-growth schools serving the highest proportion of students eligible for free or reduced-priced lunch, those where the student body eligible for free or reduced-priced lunch (FRL) is in the fourth quartile. We rank top-growth schools in both English language arts and math and divide the rankings according to three school types.
Missouri Regional Student Growth Report
In this report, we use the PRiME Growth Score, a translation of state-calculated growth scores from the Missouri Growth Model, to highlight the top schools in terms of student growth. This report focuses on the highest-growth schools in each of the nine Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) supervisory regions. We rank top-growth schools in both English language arts and math and divide the rankings according to two school types.
Missouri Statewide Student Growth Report
In this report, we describe the PRiME Growth Score, highlighting the top schools in terms of student growth. We use the results of the Missouri Growth Model to translate these scores into more understandable results. Importantly, while PRiME Growth Scores were assigned to all schools with growth NCE scores assigned (that is, schools that serve students in Grades 4-8), this report focuses on the highest-growth schools across the state in both English language arts and math for schoolwide and subgroup achievement categories.
Missouri COVID-19 Re-Opening Profile
This report describes how Missouri districts and students reopened the 2020-21 academic year during the COVID-19 pandemic by highlighting relationships between reopening plans and district characteristics.
The Community Eligibility Provision and Student Outcomes
This Evidence PRiMER explains the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP )and then describes the existing research on the effect of CEP adoption on test scores, attendance, and behavior.