Beating the Odds: Student Growth in Missouri's High Poverty Schools

By: Misti Jeffers, Ph.D., Molly I. Beck, Ph.D., Andrew Diemer, Ashley Donaldson Burle, & Evan Rhinesmith, Ph.D.

This publication ranks the top high poverty schools in both English language arts and math in terms of 2019 student growth scores. Our results are divided into three sections according to school type: elementary, eleMiddle, and middle. The sections are intended to group schools based on similarity in grade levels tested to avoid comparing dissimilar schools.

Please Cite As: Jeffers, M., Beck, M., Diemer, A., Burle, A., & Rhinesmith, E. (2021). Beating the Odds: Student Growth In Missouri's High Poverty Schools. Policy Research in Missouri Education, 3(13). Saint Louis University.


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