Beating the Odds, 4th Edition

PRiME Center’s recent report highlights the Missouri schools serving students from low income households that are producing large gains in reading and math.

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Beating the Odds

This 3rd Edition of PRiME’s annual Beating the Odds Growth Report covers data from the 2021—2022 school year.

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growth SLU PRiME growth SLU PRiME

2022 Missouri Student Growth Report by Modality of Instruction

The 2022 Missouri Student Growth Report by Modality of Instruction highlights the top-growth schools according to mode of instruction on the first day of school in fall 2020. We highlight the schools achieving top student growth within the three most common modes of instruction during the 2020-21 school year—in-person, hybrid, and distanced instruction and rank the top schools in student growth in three categories—elementary schools, eleMiddle schools and middle schools—for both English Language Arts (ELA) and math. This report is the third in the 2022 series of Growth Reports that examine growth scores on the MAP within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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growth SLU PRiME growth SLU PRiME

2022 Beating the Odds Report: Student Growth in Missouri’s Highest Poverty Schools

The 2022 Beating the Odds Report: Student Growth in Missouri’s Highest Poverty Schools highlights the top schools that are “beating the odds” across the state by moving the needle on student learning while serving high concentrations of low-income students. We rank the top schools “beating the odds” in student growth in three categories—elementary schools, eleMiddle schools and middle schools—for both English Language Arts (ELA) and math. This report is the second in the 2022 series of Growth Reports that examine growth scores on the MAP within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Missouri Students' Postsecondary Access Report

In this report, we use publicly available data to describe patterns in college-intending behaviors and postsecondary access for Missouri high school students compared to national trends. We also examine trends within Missouri by looking at high schools serving unique student bodies, by locality, and by region. Finally, we examine results for the class of 2019, the most recent class to have successfully completed high school prior to COVID-19-induced disruptions.

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Evan Rhinesmith Evan Rhinesmith

Beating the Odds: Student Growth in Missouri's High Poverty Schools

In this report, we use the PRiME Growth Score, a translation of state-calculated growth scores from the Missouri Growth Model, to highlight the schools achieving the top student growth while serving high concentrations of low-income students. This report focuses on the highest-growth schools serving the highest proportion of students eligible for free or reduced-priced lunch, those where the student body eligible for free or reduced-priced lunch (FRL) is in the fourth quartile. We rank top-growth schools in both English language arts and math and divide the rankings according to three school types.

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