Bolstering Underprepared Students
PRiME Center Webinar Series Session 4
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Watch the recording:
Strategies to prepare high school students for college
Takako nomi, Ph.D.
AssOCIATE Professor
School of Education
Saint Louis University
Suggested reading: what does research tell us about the best ways to help students catch up?
Fostering Success in the First Year of College
Amy Baldwin, Ed.D.
director of Student Transitions
University of Central Arkansas
Suggested Reading: The Extensive Evidence of Co-Requisite Remediation's Effectiveness
The Perils of Standalone and Promises of Co-Req
Evan Rhinesmith, Ph.D.
Director of Research and Evaluation
PRiME Center
School of Education
Saint Louis University
Suggested Reading: What Happens to Students Placed Into Developmental Education? A Meta-Analysis of Regression Discontinuity Studies