Welcome to PRiME!
Image by David Mark from Pixabay
Welcome to PRiME!
Today marks the official beginning of the PRiME Center (Policy Research in Missouri Education) at Saint Louis University. Our aim is to contribute research and analysis that informs education policy decisions in Missouri.
Missouri’s K-12 education system is a diverse collection of school districts, charter LEAs, and independent schools. Whether it is student enrollment ranging from 19 to 24,937 students or per pupil expenditures of $7,341 to $27,481, we recognize the breadth of the education landscape in the state. While some issues affect all schools, different regions of the state can have their own unique needs. We remain cognizant of this diversity as we delve deeper into the state’s education system.
Each week, the PRiME Center will post a blog on a topic that is timely for Missouri, often drawing connections with other states or national conversations on the topic.
Each month, the PRiME Center will publish a policy brief that examines an issue more deeply, deconstructing all of the evidence and perspectives and presenting the information in a way that is meaningful to families, educators, and policy makers.
In addition, the PRiME Center will create annual education profiles for the state and the metropolitan regions that provide an overview of academics, finances, educators, and more.
Working with our associated faculty both at Saint Louis University and other Missouri institutions, we will produce policy papers that provide in-depth research and analysis of more complex issues.
Finally, our website includes access to datasets with the supporting data on Missouri’s students, educators, and schools referenced in our publications. The datasets are also accessible and searchable for other questions our readers may have.
We seek to be a valuable resource to those who develop and implement education policy in Missouri. As a society, we must work together to ensure all children have access to high-quality educational opportunities.
Better research. Better policy. Better schools.