School Size in St. Louis: How Average Enrollment in the River City Compares Across Missouri & Nationally

Enrollment in public schools across St. Louis City has fallen alongside the city’s overall population decline, reviving conversation around closing some of the city’s underutilized school buildings. In this brief, we analyze how total public school enrollment and average building enrollment in St. Louis compare across Missouri and nationally.

We find:

  • St. Louis City has smaller average enrollment per building than any other district in the state. 

  • When compared to the 5 largest districts in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, SLPS’s average enrollment ranks 245th out of 247 districts. 

  • Compared to the other members of the Council of Great City Schools, SLPS has the smallest average per building enrollment of all the member districts. 

  • Compared to a matched sample of 117 cities allowing charter schools, St. Louis City has the second lowest average building enrollment. 


The Pandemic Digital Divide in Missouri: Rural Students Most Likely to Lack Full Access to Technology


Missouri School Choice Overview