Do Missourians Support School Choice?

Between June 23 and July 1, 2020, we worked with YouGov to interview 900 likely voters from the state of Missouri. In addition to questions regarding state and national political candidates, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and school satisfaction, we explored public opinion on school choice policies in the form of charter schools, open enrollment, and tax-funded scholarships for private schools. We learned Missourians are most supportive of school choice policies that allow students to enroll in public charter schools or other traditional public schools. Half of Missourians support charter school formation in the state, but six in ten voters incorrectly identify public charter schools as private. Missourians consistently support student enrollment in public schools outside their assigned district. Finally, voters are evenly divided on whether the state should allow tax-funded scholarships to fund student enrollment in private schools. Nonwhite voters overwhelmingly support school choice policies in Missouri and are particularly supportive of initiatives to allow enrollment in private and private religious schools.


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