February 2024 SLU/YouGov Poll Education Results
Since 2020, Saint Louis University (SLU) has worked with YouGov to poll Missouri citizens on current issues in politics and education. The PRiME Center funded a poll presented to 900 likely Missouri voters from February 14–February 26, 2024 to inform stakeholders on public opinion surrounding political and education-related policy issues. In this report, we dive into the most recent education results.
Missouri School Funding
Recently, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education proposed an increase in our state’s public school funding. This PRiMER summarizes the current state funding model, explains its potential for inequity, and analyzes the proposed funding changes.
Charter and Magnet Schools
This PRiMER shows the most common types of charter and magnet schools within Missouri, and defines some terms helpful for understanding different types of charter and magnet schools.
School Accountability
The Missouri School Improvement Plan (MSIP 6) offers a new way to measure school success . This PRiMER explains the MSIP 6 and how schools and district will be graded moving forward. Additionally, you can check out how your school or district scored!
School Safety: Gun Violence
This PRiMER shows how gun violence has increasingly affected Missouri students, highlights some common policy solutions across the country, and tracks Missouri voter opinion about these policies.