Empty Desks: An Analysis of Chronic Absenteeism in Missouri Schools
The newest data from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education finds that more than one in five K–12 students were chronically absent in the 2023–24 school year. From 2019 to 2024, nearly 91% of Missouri districts (499 total) have experienced a rise in chronic absenteeism—defined as missing at least ten percent of scheduled school days. Here, we explore key trends from the most recent Missouri attendance data.
Student Mobility: Getting the Data Right
In this education report we first provide some key background information regarding student mobility and its impact. We then use public data to describe what student mobility looks like across Missouri in comparison to neighboring states. Next, we call attention to the discrepancies in existing Missouri student mobility data and describe possible reasons for these discrepancies. We conclude with implications for education researchers and policy makers.
Every Day Counts: Chronic Absenteeism in Missouri Schools
In this report, we define the problem of chronic absenteeism in Missouri and present data on school attendance in the state over the last five years.